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Original Unaltered Star Wars to be Released on DVD
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March 14, 2006
Posts: 622

PostPosted:     Post subject: Original Unaltered Star Wars to be Released on DVD
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Looks like George will get more money in his bank account. FOX will release the unaltered original Star Wars movies on DVD Sept. 12.

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Lucas is just trying to make as much money as he can now that the movies are done with by re-releasing the movies and other stuff (i.e. a television show). I think that he's not content with what he's got. And I think that I'll pass on this one thankyouverymuch even though I'm a huge fan of the movies.
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March 14, 2006
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I held off from buying the alternate version DVDs because I knew George was going to release the original untouched versions. I mean I want to see Han Solo shoot first, even the imperfections in some of the special effect shots. I grew up with the originals so I will be getting these. I'm sure we will see more DVDs, there's that Star Wars six movie boxset, and possibly Blu-Ray or HD-DVD versions of the films.
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I can see why people would want to buy the untouched version; you get see Han shoot first, you can see the original "Anakin" instead of Hayden and you can revel in the special effects that were top notch for that time. But its just the fact that Lucas wants to make as much money off of the 'Star Wars' name as he can because he knows how big it is. And instead of the box set that he released a couple of years ago, he could of just done the release that is going be coming out.
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I'll be getting these. Something I've been waiting for. Especially Han shooting first.

WTF was Lucas thinking?
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May 12, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: a slighty different take
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Now see...I am glad that Fox will be releasing the original versions of the original trilogy but for slightly different reasons:

1) I dont care who shot first Greedo or Han. Yipy flip. it was still a great movie.
2) The ending music at the end of Return of the Jedi. I maybe one of the dozen people on planet earth that actually liked the upbeat music that was played during the celebration.
3) Just to have it because it's a historical peice of film will be great as a fan that collects and keeps them.
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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Don' wan' no damn DVD!
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I'm ticked because I can't get Episode III on VHS---it's a collector thing.

I have all the others---the classic IV, V & VI, the "special edition" and Episodes I & II, BUT NOT REVENGE OF THE SITH!

Thus, my collection is incomplete.
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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: No 2nd Place
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tstone is right.

Letting Greedo get a shot off took what little realism there was out of the scene.

Anyone trained in firearms combat knows there is no second place in a gunfight; there's a winner and a dead man.

The bear muttered to himself, "Damn dumb politically correct (censored).
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March 14, 2006
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A lot of fans are disappointed because George won't give any special treatment to the original versions. They won't have 5.1 surround sound, not even Anamorphic for widescreen presentation(even movies that suck are anamorphic nowadays). He's just taking them from the original laserdiscs and labeling them as bonus discs. I can't believe they don't have any decent film negatives of the first trilogy, they have the technology to cleanup and restore the original footage.
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March 14, 2006
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So the unaltered theatrical versions will be released Tuesday even though they won't get special treatment when it comes to picture and sound, and are labeled bonus discs. So is anyone else getting these just to remember the past movies the way they used to look?

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April 4, 2006
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I will be buying them. I am just annoyed that I have to buy the special editions AGAIN to buy them. I enjoyed the special editions, too, but see no need to have two copies of them!!! My only complaint with the special editions of the DVDs was them replacing Sebastian Shaw as Anakin in the final scene. What a slap in the face to Mr. Shaw and there is NO logical sense to it, either. I don't even care that they aren't anamorphic or in 5.1 surround. That is NOT the way I saw them in theater originally so these will truly be exactly the way I originally saw them. Unlike a lot of fans, I am NOT upset about this because Lucas had said he wouldn't release them It has been widely reported that he did NOT want them released but ended up bowing to the pressure of the fans and the studio. I find it amusing how many fans screamed for this release and then cried "foul" when they got what they wanted!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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April 4, 2006
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So who has bought these? I am gonna have to wait a couple of weeks so I want to hear some reviews of the DVDs.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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I should be getting Return on the Jedi theatrical version tomorrow from Netflix, if I like what I see I'll buy them.

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April 4, 2006
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I saw Ep IV this weekend at a friend's house and it looks very nice. They at least remastered it, so it didn't have the faded colors that it had developed in the master prints. Other than that, it was just nice to have the original version, in widescreen, to view again without having to revert back to my slowly deteriorating original VHS boxset that was in pan and scan.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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I wouldn't say that this was re-mastered, I don't know where they got the source material but it looks more like a VHS type picture. It's not Anamorphic so it's not going to look good if you have a widescreen TV, and the 2.0 stereo is sloppy. Still it was nice seeing the unaltered version of "Return".

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